Wednesday, April 24, 2019

XEROX ART, "Speak Out!"


Silent... Still... Always watching... Taking everything in... You become overfilled and you need to let some out, but you can't! There's always something stopping you. Even when you dream, something is keeping you from letting go. To your surprise, you wake up tomorrow and take some more. Tomorrow keeps coming over and over again, but nothing changes. You have no voice, but at least you can see!

It didn't seem right to use a proper canvas for this project. I felt that it needed to be fragmented and barely holding together. I chose to use one of the moving boxes left from my last military move after retiring from the Marine Corps. This box had some of my audio equipment in it. The day to day life that I knew on Active Duty as a Marine and as a Musician becomes more distant every day. That part of me feels broken and loosely stitched together the way this cardboard canvas is. Of course, no one can see that on the outside. That's why the canvas has to be covered. Behind layers of copies of different versions of myself lies the truth of what's holding it all together. 

It's just 50lbs fishing wire... 

Clear and transparent...

Covered with layers and layers that are held together with some spray adhesive...

Something has to keep it all sticking together...

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