Monday, March 18, 2019

Grid Art, Marilyn Monroe

Grid Art takes many forms. It's obvious modern day form is perhaps best realized in pixel based computer graphics programs like Adobe Photoshop. However, the idea of using a grid is nothing new. To get in touch with some of the earlier influences of grid art, I took my search to American Indian Bead Art. My search turned many corners until I finally settled on the image of Marilyn Monroe. My wife, Michelle is a big fan of Marilyn Monroe. I wanted to make something that would be meaningful to her. The image that I used for my "Marilyn" comes from Belkis Sanchez on Pinterest (Belkisaltsan12)

I used 6/0 Beads from Hobby Lobby mounted on plexiglass using 50lbs fishing wire. 340 holes were drilled on the plexiglass to allow the fishing wire to string through and tie off in the back.


  1. You showed the beads in class and honestly I was kind of in awe. The amount of effort that had to go into individually stringing all of these tiny beads into this picture was totally worth it. The fact that they're not all perfectly centered also creates a nice warbled effect where you can still see the material. I hope you hold onto this for a while even after the class. It'd make for a nice home decor piece.

  2. I love that you did something special to your wife! It's beautifully done and I love the amount of pictures you posted, showing the progress you made throughout the project!
